Las Vegas Jam Band Society
Members’ Meeting Minutes
August 4, 2015
Meeting Begins: 7:45pm
President’s Report (Greg): “Alrighty…Let’s get going!”
*Met briefly with the REX FOUNDATION (non-profit started by the Grateful Dead fans in San Francisco which helps other non-profits exist) while in Chicago. Sent a letter asking for any advice or tips on how to keep the LVJBS going and possibly having those who help it run successfully being compensated like their foundation has been. The letter mentioned possibly partnering with or at least having them ‘mentor’ us in using revenue appropriately, etc. More details and updates as they come!
Vice President’s Report (Kathy): ~absent~
Secretary’s Report (Jessica): Nothing to report. Yet, special thanks given to Catfish John and Part-Time Criminals for their successful show this past weekend! J
Treasurer’s Report (Paige): Been looking at the provided art-samples, which originally, was supposed to be used for the 15th anniversary shirts and also for the Membership cards. The initial purpose of having a ‘Membership card’ was to use with random supporting businesses, which provide a discount when the card is shown. Discussion had on going forth with 2015 cards or waiting until 2016 to make and give them out. (Suggested to go forth with the 2015 card and, asking members/Officers to ‘market’ companies/businesses which would like a website-ad in exchange for some discount at their place of business.)
Mayor’s Report (Eric): ~absent~ (reported by Jessica)
COLOR: Pier 39 Fisherman’s Wharf Blue
The family-friendly GUITARFISH FESTIVAL, near Tahoe, is a “friggen funk fest!”
Fundraising Committee (John):
*Been working on the 2015 Calendar (samples with different paper quality shown). Discussion of purchasing a Binding Machine (do it yourself) to help with costs of printing/binding. Thoughts: Having 12 businesses show their small-ad on each month’s page, to help with price decrease. Finding a school with a binding machine that could be used to bind the sheets together (Jessica to look into this!) to avoid having to pay a company or purchase the machine. Discussion of ‘what people would pay’ for a calendar ‘these’ days was had. (Most would not want to pay $15 for a calendar.) The calendar would be given to all paid members.
Production Report (Greg):
*The Joint has contacted us, asking us to send a couple emails and a social media post or two, about the upcoming Friday, Sept. 4th PRIMUS show in exchange for 6 tickets. Group happily supports this!
*THE NEW RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE are interested in a late November, early December show. We had lost money at the last Hard Rock Live show. This event may happen at VINYL, as the LVJBS 15th Anniversary show, with Andrew C.’s help. Discussion of them with a possible ‘Catfish John’ opener, at the Brooklyn Bowl was discussed. More info on date/location TBA.
*SPAFFORD contacted Andrew C. at the Hard Rock, for a Friday/Saturday, Nov. 13th or 14th show.
*BROTHER’S GOW and MAGIC BEANS emailed about coming through town as well.
*TODD SNYDER was booked at the recently closed Bunkhouse Saloon on Sunday, Sept. 20th. In search of a new venue to host this show.
*DEAD WINTER CARPENTERS are wondering about another ‘Holiday Show’. The dates for our ‘LVJBS HOLIDAY PARTY’ would be the weekend of December 4-6, as planned by the Officers at our last Officers’ Meeting. More details TBD.
*ROYAL SOUTHERN BROTHERHOOD BAND (Feat. C. Neville, Y. Scott, T. Vaughn, B. Walker) have interest in an October date. Group feels there are too many October events happening, so this may not be a good idea this time around.
Tues., Aug. 18th--George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic
Wed., Sept. 23rd: Lettuce
Tues., Oct. 6th: The Word
Thurs., Oct. 8th: Dark Star Orchestra
Thurs., Oct. 22nd : Blues Traveler
*An Officers’ Meeting was held on July 15th (all Officers present) at Rocky’s Bar & Grill, discussing:
--T-shirt samples
--15th Anniversary show being a Grateful gathering of Family, Legends peeps, and the celebration of the LVJBS’ 15th year. “A Jerry-Grateful 15th Anniversary”
--BUS-TA-PHISH discussion (rented bus to Inglewood, CA) (…ended up being a ‘bust’)
--Holiday party weekend decided (Dec. 4-6)
*Keith K. mentioned a possible 2016 Summertime event, in Mt. Charleston, in collaboration with their Volunteer Fire Dept. Their newly renovated Visitors’ Center has a new amphitheater and golf area. Thinking of making it a camp-out for families and including a can drive to local food banks, etc. Group supports this future idea and thanks Keith K. for looking into this further.
*Dave & Megan discussed the decided bands for the November 6-8 TACOPA TAKEOVER:
--Moksha, Pitchfork, Superstar Bingo, Donzos Cozmos, Dr. Vibus, J-Free’s Drums, Flux, Signals/Catfish John, Sara Patterson, Part-Time Criminals, and possibly the Unwieldies.
(This event will have a possible silent disco (BYO head-phones), horseshoes, a bluegrass Sunday brunch, and more!)
August Friends & Family Event (Greg or Finkel): To help celebrate Jerry Garcia on Sunday, August 9th, we are hoping to host a POOL & BYO food & Beverage POOL PARTY at an ‘undecided’ location. (* Greg to either host it at his home, or see if Jonathan Finkel’s home is available to help for size need.) Location TBD.
September’s Friends & Family Event (Greg): Been working with the 51s people about using their FRIENDS & FAMILY zone (in the shade!) @ Cashman Field for their 7:05PM baseball game. The gates open at 5:30pm. Discussion of two prices: $35/each for a catered Fried Chicken, Hot Dogs, Pretzels, and Chips (with cash bar) OR a $15/each for entry and purchase of own food/drinks. Be sure to check an upcoming email for a vote. It would be an EITHER/OR price decision.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, Sept. 1st @ Cashman Field, BEFORE the game @ 5:30PM
Meeting Adjourned: 8:50pm