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The Las Vegas Jam Band Society exists to help create a more supportive music community in southern Nevada for the musicians of the Jam Band genre. The goal is to educate ourselves and the community through grass roots promotions and concert events.

Through an expanded understanding and exposure to improvisational music we can provide a home for Jam bands in Southern Nevada. We plan to make Southern Nevada a national destination for Jam Band festivals and by doing so will provide our community with quality music and an enhancement of it's cultural value. We believe in transcendence through music and together we can introduce more people to the magic of this music and the musicians who play it.

The Las Vegas Jamband Society, an association of improvisational music enthusiasts, is the Las Vegas chapter of the Jamband Society of America, Inc. The Jamband Society of America, Inc. is a Nevada not for profit corporation created to promote live, improvisational music in Las Vegas, southern Nevada, and across the country.

The Las Vegas Jam Band Society
Bringing Exploratory and Improvisational Music to Las Vegas.

2015 LVJBS Officers
President - Greg Serensits
Vice President - Kathy Gutzat
Secretary - Jessica Grant
Treasurer - Paige Sumberg
Mayor - Eric Pretz
Current Committee Heads
PR / Marketing - Jennifer Minucci
Archive - RJ Fuqua
Fundraising - John Tolson

LVJBS Mascot
February 25, 2009—A recently discovered "psychedelic" fish (shown in a January 2008 picture) is bouncing into the books as a new species, a new study says.

With a swirl of beige and peach stripes stretching from its blue eyes to its tail, the newly named Histiophryne psychedelica was initially discovered by scuba diving instructors working for a tour operator a year ago in shallow waters off Indonesia.

The operator contacted Ted Pietsch, lead author of a paper published in this month's edition of the journal Copeia, who submitted DNA work identifying the psychedelic fish as a new species.

Like other frogfish—a subset of anglerfish—H. psychedelica has leglike fins on both sides of its body.

But it has several traits not previously known among frogfish, wrote Pietsch, of the University of Washington.

Each time the fish strike the seabed, for instance, they push off with their fins and expel water from tiny gill openings to jet themselves forward. That and an off-centered tail cause them to bounce around in a bizarre, chaotic manner.

Mark Erdman, a senior adviser to the Conservation International's marine program, said, "I think people thought frogfishes were relatively well known, and to get a new one like this is really quite spectacular. ... It's a stunning animal."

The fish, which has a gelatinous, fist-size body covered with thick folds of skin that protect it from sharp-edged corals, also has a flat face with eyes directed forward, like humans, and a huge, yawning mouth.

©2015 Las Vegas Jam Band Society - For The Music